Household chores can burn staggering number of calories

If you are running a busy household you will know that a daily gym session can often drop to the bottom of the priority list.

From the continual growing ironing pile all the way to the never emptying washing basket – household chores can often take over your daily schedule.

However, it’s not all bad news for those looking to lose a few pounds as it turns out household chores can burn a staggering 20,000 calories a month (that’s the same as 16,816 burpees ).

Not convinced? A new report by Wren Kitchens reveals how many calories you’ll burn doing daily activities. The more chores you do, the more you may notice the pounds melt away.

The study of 1,000 respondents revealed the average time households spend on their daily and weekly chores, this was then calculated into the number of calories burnt aswell as revealing how many burpees you save having to do.

For full information please see:

Please note: the calorie counts are based on the average weight of a person being 156 pounds. If you weigh more, you’ll burn more. If you weigh less, you’ll burn less.


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