Five things to do to carry through real change and transformation

I see a lot of people who have great intentions throughout the year, start something with vigour, and then it fades out over time. However, we see other people who break through and succeed in making real change. Why is this? Why do some people have a breakthrough and others do not?

If you look at Operation Transformation or Biggest Loser there are key things that the winners follow that we can apply to have real change and transformation in our own health and fitness.

1. Have a plan

From a running perspective I see this in my own life. The first month of my programme, my trainer allows me to do the training I feel like doing rather than having the set structure he gives me for the next 10 months (I have two weeks to one month off ). This sounds more freeing, but in fact it is more stressful and I get worse quality training always. Why? Because I have to decide what to do every day rather than just looking at it on the schedule. So if things get busy it is hard to fit training in.

For the other 10 months the training is set out in stone and it is much easier to see what needs to be done. I can plan my day around making sure I get my training done. I can prepare meals if I need to. Cooking a few healthy meals in advance on Sunday will mean you are not tempted for a take-away on Tuesday when things get busy.

Action step: Get out a page or bring up an Excel spreadsheet and plan the days you will work out, and maybe even what food you need to buy to eat healthy.

2. Be accountable to a trainer at a gym or someone you trust

As I mentioned, I have a coach for running. Now I have been running seriously for more than 16 years. I can write my own training, but still I need someone there to make sure I go out and do what needs to be done, to let know how training went, and to help set up the next month. Without a coach or someone who is invested in your progress, it is too easy to start slacking off when the motivation gets low.

That is why, with the Pilates group, I value accountability so much and make people post in the group. You need to feel like someone is checking in, otherwise it is much harder to stay disciplined. Missing weeks is something I know can happen, but at least when you have to explain it to me you are much less likely to make it a recurring event.

3. Recruit positive social support to encourage you when things get tough

The reason WW is successful is that you have like minded people supporting you. If you are trying to lose weight, get fitter, or get healthier, then you need people around you doing the same. Again the group environment both online and in person is a part of the big success of our Pilates courses. Seeing others do well in the challenges or posting when they have done their exercise makes a positive support group for everyone. They also know that once you sign up it means you are setting up a time when you will exercise for an hour at least once per week.

You are the average of the five people you hang out with most. Think about that. If you are trying to quit smoking, but you keep having lunch outside with your friends who smoke, you are going to find it difficult. You can still have your old friends but you can also get new ones with similar health and fitness goals to keep each other motivated and accountable.

4. Give yourself a meaningful incentive to reach your goal

I knew a guy who always threatened to give up smoking and lose weight, but he never did. He had a heart attack a few years ago. He immediately gave up smoking and started eating healthily and exercising. Before good health was something that might be nice to have. After the heart attack, good health was necessary to live longer. He got a meaningful incentive. Is there a wedding that you would like to look good for? Would you like to get down to the weight you were in your twenties? Do you want to make sure you are still independent in your seventies and eighties? Pick something that will fire you up to make change. Write it down and look at it whenever motivation drops, as it sometimes will.

5. Set a hard deadline to achieve your goal

Don't say, someday I will do this. Tell your family, friends, and the world, I am going to lose one stone in 10 weeks. If I don't do it I will donate €200 to charity. I promise you that will keep you motivated. Write out a cheque and see if losing €200 if you fail doesn't keep you motivated, or knowing your family will be asking about progress every time they see you. We need steps and tricks to get breakthrough success. I hope these help.

If you are active at least three times per week (walk or run ) and want to keep yourself injury free and running better than ever, visit and sign up for a free trial of our online sports Pilates course.


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