UHG should become Ireland’s base for Covid 19 hyperbaric oxygenation, says Galway solicitor

A Galway-based solicitor is calling on the Government to intervene and make provision so that Galway University Hospital immediately becomes Ireland’s centre for Covid using hyperbaric oxygenation.

Brian Lynch, who reveals his interest in the matter as a shareholder of Galway’s OxyGeneration, said that lives can be saved through the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of Covid-19.

Hyperbaric oxygenation for Covid 19 is already available at Galway University Hospital in its 12-person chamber. Mr Lynch suggests that the Hyperbaric Medical Unit’s chamber be used for the whole of Ireland and says the ethical framework has guidelines on how resources should be applied.

“I feel morally compelled to write in the world’s fight against Covid, however I must declare my own conflicts of interest. On the one hand I am a practising solicitor and speak from a legal perspective on compliance with the law of informed consent to any treatment intervention.

“I am also a founding stakeholder of OxyGeneration, a private hyperbaric oxygenation service provider with a commercial interest. I have researched the medical case reports supporting the use of hyperbaric oxygenation for Covid and will give reference to them to validate my claims.

“In hospital settings, hyperbaric oxygenation is being successfully used to save the lives of people with Covid,” he said.

Mr Lynch said that a single loss of life, especially young people from Covid 19 is tragic, but when deaths are avoidable via hyperbaric oxygenation, this is totally tragic.”

Call on Minister

“The Minister for Health is called upon to make hyperbaric oxygenation part of Ireland’s Covid programme.”

“Ethical guidelines for the pandemic are not being followed because some doctors are claiming the clinical trials to date are too small. The Ethical framework states: “Decisions should be based on best available evidence at the time,” he said.

Hyperbaric oxygenation involves a person sitting in a hyperbaric chamber or room and increased oxygen is taken under increased pressure. It is like the pressure on an aircraft when your ears pop.

Brian Lynch said that he advocates that lives will be saved, and national lockdown restrictions will be varied by using hyperbaric oxygenation.”

Covid symptoms are characterised by shortage of oxygen in blood and tissue. Inadequate oxygen delivery to various tissue systems is likely to contribute to organ failure during septic shock. The highest dosage of oxygen is universally accepted as being delivered by hyperbaric oxygenation as the pressure chamber increases the amount of oxygen dissolved on a mitochondrial level.

He said that the very first reports about Covid from China and Italy said it causes progressive hypoxemia and hypoxia. More specifically interleukin 1: (IL1 ) with IL6 and TNF? contribute to the acute cytokine storm associated with Covid condition such as inflammation and shortness of breath. Hyperbaric oxygenation was known to accelerate the reversal of these conditions.

“Treatments currently include the use of nasal, face mask, intubation and mechanical ventilation oxygenation. It is accepted that hyperbaric oxygenation is both the superior dosage of oxygen delivery and is non-invasive. The new military hospital completed in 10 days in Wuhan, China added on a hyperbaric oxygenation chamber Covid after word spread abouts its success in its neighbouring hospital,” he added.


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