Six tips for completing your CAO application

One of the most important tasks a Leaving Certificate student will need to do this month is complete the CAO application form. The closing date for CAO applications is February 1 at 5.15pm.

For many students and their parents this can be a daunting task, and with the current lockdown and school closures this has only added to the challenge of the task. While Leaving Cert students may be struggling right now it’s important to remember that brighter days are ahead and planning for a future at university is something positive and worth focusing on.

Here are six top tips to help make this process a little easier.

1. Research your course and college options thoroughly

There is still time to do your homework around your course choices and college options. Websites such as and are very useful resources to help in your research. In addition all third level institutes have very good course information on their websites and produce undergraduate prospectus. The NUI Galway undergraduate prospectus is available to download or you can request a copy posted to your home

2. Minimum entry requirements

Some courses may have specific entry requirements and it is important that you check this to ensure your subject choices will allow you to meet those entry requirements. For example BSc Biotechnology (GY304 ) at NUI Galway is the only science degree at the university that has a requirement for a modern European language. A quick and easy tool to use to discover minimum entry requirements for undergraduate degrees at NUI Galway is our course quick guide.

3. Fill in all 20 spaces provided

The CAO form will allow you to choose 10 Level 8 courses and 10 Level 7 and 6. It’s important that the student completes the form in full. We are not all going to be offered our first choice, you may end up accepting your third or fourth choice so it’s important that you ask yourself, ‘will I be happy to accept this course if I don’t get my first choice?’

4. Put your course choices in genuine order of preference

No one has a crystal ball and no one can predict what the points will be for any course. Remember points go up as well as down and students’ results can be vastly different to what they expected. There was significant points inflation across many university courses in 2020 as a result of the calculated grades system. It would be advisable for students to consult the 2018 and 2019 points for courses as they might give you a more accurate picture. Regardless of points, it’s so important to complete your CAO form based on genuine order of preference, not points. Do a course you are really passionate about. You’ll be happier in the long run and you’ll do better at something you love.

5. Don’t leave it to the last minute

While the deadline for submitting your CAO application online is February 1 at 5.15pm, please do not leave it to the last minute to do so. Computer systems can crash and this will only add to the stress levels.

6. Don’t forget the change of mind facility

The CAO change of mind facility will open on the May 1 and will remain open until July 1 so there is lots of time to change the order of your course preferences or add or delete courses, provided they are not restricted courses (such as medicine ). NUI Galway will hold an open day on Saturday May 8 in case you have any additional questions at that point.

This can be a very stressful time for Leaving Cert students particularly given the extra stress caused by lockdown and school closures, however taking a little time at this stage to complete the CAO form correctly can save a lot of disappointment and anxiety next August. The NUI Galway schools liaison team are available to answer student queries by email at

Caroline Duggan is schools liaison officer at NUI Galway.


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