A public consultation process for the preparation of the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 has been launched by the Galway City Council.
The council is now inviting all members of the public - residents, business owners, and community groups who work and live in the city - to have their say on its future growth, and is especially interested in hearing the views of children and young people in the city.
The plan will focus on housing, transportation and sustainable mobility, economic activity, climate change and adaptation, community development, recreation facilities, parks, open spaces, arts, culture, heritage, and tourism. The preparation of such a plan is a two year process. This is the ‘Pre-Draft Public Consultation’ phase.
"The contribution of the people of Galway will be invaluable in the preparation of the new city development plan," said the Mayor of Galway, Independent Galway City Central councillor, Mike Cubbard. "I hope everyone will take this opportunity to take part - we want to reflect the ambitions and concerns of as many individuals, community groups, and stakeholders as possible."
Making submissions on the plan
An Issues Paper ‘Our City, Our Future’ has been prepared to prompt discussion and engagement around key themes and issues that are important to the protection of amenity and heritage and the future direction of development. It is available to view and download at www.galwaycity.ie/development-plan-2023-2029, or by appointment only at the Planning Section, Galway City Hall.
Submissions and observations are invited up until Friday March 5 2021. They can be made via https://consult.galwaycity.ie; or by post to Senior Planner, Planning Department, City Hall, College Road, Galway, H91 X4K8; or by emailing devplan@galwaycity.ie. For more information see www.galwaycity.ie/development-plan-2023-2029