New year – new beginnings with GRETB training courses

The New Year means new beginnings so it is time to consider re-training to change career or learn a new skill. The team at GRETB Training Centre are aware that 2020 was a difficult year for everybody, and for 2021 the centre has introduced online/blended courses to most of its suite of courses.

The GRETB Training Centre offers full time day, evening, and Saturday training courses and is continuously developing new flexible training options to meet the needs of learners and industry. Completing a course can offer many benefits from a personal and career perspective while also giving access to new and different opportunities for the future. These courses give learners the skills to compete in the employment market.

For spring 2021 the training centre has a wide variety of courses including IT support specialist, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and CompTIA IT fundamentals. It offers a number of driving courses including bus/minibus driving, HGV rigid/artic, and delivery driver. This year it is launching the RSA Approved Driving Instructor (ADI ) course with limited places available. If you want to learn how to weld, the range of welding courses available includes MIG, TIG, and manual metal arc welding as day-time, evening or Saturday courses. As part of the centre's response to the Covid-19 pandemic it will continue to offer its infection prevention and control course online.

GRETB evening courses include manual and computerised payroll and bookkeeping, cleanroom packaging and environmental awareness, supervisory management, social media for business, customer service, start your own business, reception and clerical skills, door security and guarding skills, and first aid responder.

The apprenticeship scheme for Galway and Roscommon is administered from the GRETB Training Centre. For more information about apprenticeships including new apprenticeships in arboriculture, auctioneering. accounting, craft butchery, and many more, visit Traditional craft apprenticeship details are also available on in areas such as plumbing, motor mechanic, metal fabrication, carpentry and joinery, electrical, etc.

The centre has fully equipped classrooms, IT suites, and workshops. Courses are certified and accredited by national and internationally recognised examining and professional bodies. The training centre also offers literacy and numeracy support services tailored to course content.

Courses may be fully or partially funded for employees and employers under Skills To Advance. This Initiative provides upskilling and reskilling opportunities to those in employment and offers many courses including leadership and management, customer service in industry, and training and development.

To register see or You can also contact your nearest DEASP office, or contact the GRETB Training Centre on 091 706200. All courses are run subject to demand.


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