Naughton confirms €3 million in funding for Oranmore Train Station

Funding for a major €12 million upgrade or Oranmore Train Station has been sought by the local authority and Iarnród Éireann under the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF ) in the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

However, matched funding of around €3 million will be required from the Department of Transport and yesterday Minister Hildegarde Naughton confirmed the availability of that matched funding.

The project would see the station undergo a major €12-million upgrade including the addition of a second platform and a section of double-track that would increase the capacity of the facility.

Local Fine Gael TD and Minister of State at the Department of Transport Hildegarde Naughton has indicated her support for the project, which is part of a broader urban development plan being considered by Galway County Council.

Minister Naughton said that she is currently discussing the project with her cabinet colleagues. A successful outcome that would see work commence at Oranmore Station next year.

“The station has become an increasingly important part of the regional transport infrastructure since opening in 2013, providing viable commuting alternatives for locals, as well as greater access to the town for visitors. While it obviously a matter for the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, I can confirm that my Department will provide the required matched funding,” she said.

“Oranmore has been designated as a Strategic Growth Area under both the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and the Galway Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan, and its transport links are central to its continued growth and development.”

If the project is approved, the €12 million investment would see the construction of a second platform at the station, along with a passing loop or section of double-track in order to increase capacity.

Landscape works would also be carried out, as well as design work in the carpark of the station. The approval of funding would see work on the project commence as early as 2021, according to Minister Naughton.

Additionally, the National Transport Authority (NTA ) has agreed to provide funding to Iarnród Éireann for a feasibility study on service capacity for Galway, which will seek to identify the optimal solution to increase the frequency and capacity of trains between Galway and Athenry.

“The reopening of a train station in Oranmore has succeeded in reducing the number of car journeys into Galway city, which has obvious benefits from the perspectives of traffic congestion and the environment,” said the Galway West TD.

“Further investment, increased capacity and improved reliability in the local railway infrastructure will increase those benefits as well as facilitating the sustainable growth of the town and its surrounding area.

“I am very hopeful that the required funding can be secured, along with the support of my cabinet colleagues. I expect to be in a position to provide an update in this regard in the coming weeks,” added the minister.


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