Woodlands Motor Co to hold family Christmas event for Jack and Jill

Woodland Motor Co is holding a FREE family event this Christmas to raise much needed funds for The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation - a charity close to their hearts.

The premises will be transformed on Saturday December 19 into “Woodland Winter Wonderland” - a FREE drive-thru experience for all the family. A Christmas treat will be gifted to all children and they may even get a sneak peak of Santa himself!

They ask you to please donate whatever you can, whether you can make it to the event or not, and support us in giving back to this amazing charity.

“The story behind the big push: The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation holds a very special place in our hearts. They have provided us with wonderful nursing care for our two precious sons, Cillian and Odhran who were both born with a rare genetic condition - Trisomy 9p and Monosomy10q.”

Cillian was born in 2006 and sadly died at age 4 in 2010. Jack and Jill provided us with nursing care during Cillian’s short life. Odhran was born in 2017 and is now three years old. Cathy Keighery is our liaison nurse with Jack and Jill and knew Cillian also. This made joining Jack and Jill again so easy as we knew what to expect and the support from Cathy has been wonderful.

Odhran has a number of medical care needs; he is fed into his small bowel 24hrs per day, he has epilepsy and a number of other issues. Odhran is currently cared for by Cathy and nurse Ronnie Keady. Ronnie is like part of our family and is referred to as “Granny Ronnie” by Odhrans big sister Isla Mae.

This service is a lifeline to families like ours,ensuring that Odhran stays out of hospital as much as possible or has a reduced length of stay. It allows us do basic things like shopping, pharmacy collections, collect Odhran’s medical supplies and so on.

Jack and Jill are not just a lifeline to us a family but also to Odhrans quality of life by being able to keep him at home and safe in through this pandemic.Due to COVID-19 fundraising has been hugely impacted and as part of our gratitude to the support they have provided myself & Jonny over the years, Woodland Motor Co wants to give back. - Aly


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