Business case for elective hospital due within weeks

Hospital will be 'the most significant investment in regional healthcare infrastructure in more than half a century'

A business case for the development of an elective hospital in Galway will be made before the end of the year, it emerged after a high level meeting last evening.

The preliminary business case for the hospital is being finalised in accordance with the Public Spending Code. For the Minister of State at the Department of Transport, and Fine Gael Galway West TD, Hildegarde Naughton, the new hospital will be “the most significant investment in regional healthcare infrastructure in more than half a century”.

Minister Naughton, who has led the campaign for the new hospital, said it will “substantially improve access and standards of care available to people in the west”.

Issue subject of high level meetings

A process is also underway to decide the scope of procedures that will be performed at the new elective hospital facility, and what clinical facilities will be required.

The Elective Hospitals Oversight Group is currently considering all these matters. The Health Minister expects a business case for a new elective hospital in Galway will be finalised before Christmas.

The matter arose at a high-level meeting yesterday (Wednesday ) between the Health Minister, the HSE, the Saolta Hospital Group and elected representatives.

The meeting heard that work is advancing on three proposed new elective hospitals in Galway, Cork and Dublin.


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