Gardai seize cannabis and cash in Renmore

Cannabis with estimated value of €90,000 and more than €34,500 in cash found during search

Gardai found a large quantity of cannabis herb, along with cash, amounting to a combined value of some €125,000, during a raid at a property in Renmore this week.

One man was arrested in the raid, which was carried out at 7pm on Tuesday evening by gardai from Galway’s Divisional Drugs Unit.

Cannabis with an estimated value of €90,000 (pending analysis ), along with more than €34,500 in cash, was found during a search of the home.

A man in his late 20s was arrested at the scene in connection with the seizure, and was detained at the North Western Regional Garda Headquarters in Galway under the provisions of Section 2 of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking ) Act 1996.

He has since been released from custody, and a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.


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