Some facts to consider while researching your CAO and further education options

If you are wondering where the jobs will be in four or five years’ time when you graduate, here are a few things to consider:

• It is difficult to predict where the jobs will be long-term.

• Careers are constantly changing, some disappearing totally, while new ones are coming on stream.

• It is predicted that a person will have more than one career over his/her lifetime; the average can be up to five different careers.

• The job/career that you may end up doing in five or 10 years' time may not even exist at the moment.

• There are many routes into a wide variety of career areas, but doing what you love is the best decision for you. The most important factor in planning your future is that you love the subjects, topics, and activities that will be at the centre of your studies and what you hope to work at. Even if jobs are guaranteed in a certain sector, if you have no interest in it, it will be difficult to stick with it and be happy for the rest of your life.

Why doing what you love is the best decision for you

Find something you love to do and you will never have to work a day in your life is a popular saying. If you study an area that interests you it will get you into college more easily every day. You will also find great satisfaction when you turn your course into a career in the future.

How to research your CAO options

Look back at transition year, work experience, volunteer work, summer camps, Irish college, and sports and hobbies you are involved in outside of school.

What did you enjoy the most? Write down what you are interested in. Write anything that comes to mind, from school subjects to things you have read about, what attracts your interest on social media, to activities with friends or family.

Is it working outdoors?

Is it physical work?

Is it working in a lab?

Is it working in an office?

Is it having opportunities to work abroad?

Is it being organised?

A nine-to-five job, Monday to Friday?

If the things that interest you keep appearing in course descriptions then this is a good path to consider.

Once you have found where your interests lie, then research what courses you can do in these areas or that will help you find work in the type of working environment you would do well in.

There are many websites including college websites you can use to research courses and careers, such as and

Progression routes from Level 6 to Level 7 and Level 8

While the focus of many students is to research and apply for Level 8 courses, there are other options that can lead to the same outcome.

Research the courses you are interested in at Levels 6, 7, and 8. Check if Level 6 or 7 courses you are interested in will allow you to progress on to a Level 8 course. You may find yourself ending up with the same qualification, having taken a different route.

Choosing the correct course for you

Do not follow your friends; study what you love and choose your own path

It is your results at the end of the day that counts, and if you study what you genuinely love, you are on the correct career path which will serve you for many years to come both in terms of job satisfaction and peace of mind.


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