Just Transition project funding in Galway will help create jobs says Dolan

Funding for projects approved under the Just Transition Fund in Galway will help create sustainable job opportunities and benefit in communities, a Fine Gael Senator has said.

Senator Aisling Dolan was speaking after the Cabinet approved funding of €108 million for Bord na Móna’s large-scale peatlands restoration project.

In further good news for the region, provisional offers of funding, totaling €27.8 million, were also made for 47 projects in the Midlands under the Just Transition Fund.

Senator Dolan said: “This funding is so important as it will support communities in the west and Midlands who have been impacted by Just Transition and make this region a location for green and sustainable investment.

“I’ve worked closely with a number of the groups and I’m absolutely delighted to see my own hometown of Ballinasloe and BACD- Ballinasloe Area Community Development- receive an offer of funding of close to half a million for the Pulse Remote Hubs and also to the Shannonbridge Action Group allocated €400,000 under this fund.

“For Ballinasloe, the Pulse Hubs Remote Working project will bring jobs with people working from remote hubs based in the middle of town and this is a vote of confidence in Ballinasloe as a location for investment.

“Pulse Hubs will lead to the creation of co-working and remote working spaces in Ballinasloe, supporting people in the catchment area of east Galway, west Offaly, south Roscommon and Westmeath to work remotely. This will breathe life into existing premises and establish a dynamic network to drive enterprise, innovation and start-ups.

“We see funding for food hubs, greenways, eco-tourism projects in Roscommon and Galway, with the Lanesboro Food Hub, the Lir Project, Cloontuskert Bog Heritage Train and Cloontuskert Visitor Centre and Organic Farm, and Ballyforan Greenway Loop along by the River Suck.

“This funding will help communities in the west and Midlands work together to make the region more attractive for investment and will help create a sustainable place to live and work, particularly after the impact of the loss of Bord na Móna jobs.

“The level of funding shows the Government’s commitment to investment in the Midlands. It will support communities and families in extremely difficult times with Covid. It will help reskill, retrain workers and give new opportunities to support people working from remote hubs and will breathe new life into our towns and villages.”


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