Radiology works at Portiuncula to be completed by spring

The works to the radiology department at Portiuncula University Hospital are due to be completed by late February 2021. Prequalification documentation is due to be published on etenders for the main construction works to deliver the new 50 bed ward block in early January 2021.

The information was given to the Regional Health Forum in response to questions by Cllr Evelyn Parsons who had asked the HSE to provide an update with regard to the progression of works at Portiuncula University Hospital on the Flouroscopy Unit and Radiology Unit upgrade?

Cllr Parsons was told by Joe Hoare, Asst National Director Estates (West ) that a short list of contractors will be formed arising from this tender process. It is envisaged that tenders for the project will then be sought from this short list in late March 2021.

“The enabling works are currently underway. A modular building is currently being procured for the hospital to provide additional clinic room space on site. This building is anticipated to be delivered in December 2020 and will subsequently be fitted out in early 2021 to be available for use by the end of February 2021.

“A feasibility exercise is currently underway to scope a further potential capital project to be submitted for approval whereby the current OPD might subsequently be converted to a 14-bed ward area with the OPD operating instead solely out of that new modular building.

“This would require remodelling and refurbishment of the current OPD area. It is hoped that subject to capital funding being available and allocated that this project might also potentially be progressed during 2021,” said Mr Hoare.


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