Galway City Museum launches pandemic project “Dear Galway…”

Galway City Museum is inviting the people of Galway to write a letter to future generations of Galwegians. The museum is asking the public to share their lived experiences of dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic and to offer advice to future generations on how to cope during a global crisis.

Letter writers may wish to address some of the following questions. How did you feel when you first found out about the COVID-19 pandemic? How did the pandemic affect your family, social, work, college or school life? What issues have most concerned you about the pandemic? How have you marked any big events or occasions during this time?

How have you been passing your free time at home during the pandemic? Given the restrictions on face to face meetings, how have you been staying in contact with friends and loved ones? Have you acquired any new skills or hobbies during this time? Have you or anybody you know become sick during the COVID-19 outbreak?

What has been your experience in responding to this sickness? In what ways do you think that COVID-19 is affecting people’s wellbeing, physical or mental? What has been the most challenging aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic? Has anything positive come out of the situation? What have you learned from the experience that may be of value to future generations?

These questions are only a guide but participants are also welcome to write about their own unique experience free style. We are in this together but our individual experiences differ and that is what the museum is looking to record and reflect. Additional material can be submitted including photos, newspaper clippings, drawings, etc. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to write the letter, participants can write as little or as much as they want and they are reminded not to worry about spelling or handwriting.

Letters will be accepted up until and including Monday 1st February 2021. Participants can submit their letters by post or by email. Handwritten or typed letters can be sent via post to “Dear Galway” Project, Galway City Museum, Spanish Parade, Galway, H91 CX5P or scanned or typed letters can be emailed directly to

Please title your letter “Dear Galway”. This project is open to all age groups and all letters will form part of a digital archive to be made available for research purposes. A selection of the material submitted will also feature on the museum website and social media channels. Galway City Museum look forward to hearing how the people of Galway have experienced and are experiencing this new era of Covid-19. This initiative has been supported by Creative Ireland through Galway City Council.

Galway City Museum remains closed to the public in line with Level 5 government guidelines regarding Covid-19. Visitors are still welcome to explore the museum virtually at and to follow museum social media channels for updates.


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