Artworks to be projected onto city buildings for Science Week

Images by Karen Conway and Cleary Connolly to feature on Ballard House, Comerford House, and the Brothers of Charity

Comerford House at the Spanish Arch, along with public buildings in Westside and Ballybane, will become canvasses for works by artists Karen Conway and Cleary Connolly, as part of Science Week.

CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Medical Devices, based in NUI Galway, together with the Galway Arts Office, have launched a new community art science project that will see images by the artists projected onto the walls of buildings in the city.

The projections will take place this Saturday, November 14, with the first taking place at the North Galway CAMHS, Ballard House, Bothar le Cheile, Westside (6pm to 7pm ); at Comerford House, Spanish Arch (7.30pm to 8.30pm ); and at the John Paul Campus of the Brothers of Charity, Castlepark Road, Ballybane (9pm to 10pm ).

The visuals for Ballard House will be from Cleary Connolly’s After Image project; those at the John Paul Campus will be by Karen Conway; while the Comerford House projections will be display works by both Conway and Cleary Connolly.

The artist and the community


The award winning artist, Karen Conway, was selected in 2019 to create the CÚRAM community art science commission for Ballybane and Doughiska. Karen worked closely with CÚRAM researchers Dr Pau Redon Lurbe, a member of Prof William Wijns research team, on the area of cardiovascular research.

In addition to cardiovascular research, Conway also looked at routine laboratory techniques with Dr Jill McMahon and Dr Olena Kudina in the CÚRAM laboratories where she completed extensive photographic research.

Karen created a series of drawings using pencil and ink inspired by her work with CÚRAM researchers and members of the communities of Ballybane and Doughiska. The theme of active travel for heart health was incorporated into the work following a meeting with a community liaison panel made up of community representatives.



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