"The smallest act of kindness is more than the grandest intention," said Oscar Wilde, and with that in mind, Galway charity MADRA Dog Rescue is asking the public to consider leaving a gift to the charity in their will.
Leaving MADRA a gift in your will is an incredible kindness, demonstrating your concern about the welfare of the homeless dogs in its care. MADRA co-founder Marina Fiddler says; "If you support our work with more than 500 unwanted, abandoned, and neglected dogs per year then please ask your solicitor to make an amendment to your will to include a gift to our charity."
With annual costs of more than €400,000, MADRA could not continue to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome more than 500 dogs without continued public financial support through donations, fundraisers, and legacies. A kind legacy gift ensures that you continue to help the animals who need support, after you have taken care of your loved ones.
Every legacy, no matter how small, is important to MADRA and the team can assure donors that their gift will go directly to where it is most needed. It will allow MADRA to continue to provide food, shelter, rehabilitative, and veterinary care. Legacies left to registered charities such as MADRA Dog Rescue are completely tax-free and reduce the inheritance tax liability on the donor's estate.
Emails to legacy@MADRA.ie will be treated in the strictest of confidence and a member of the team will be happy to answer any questions. Upon request, MADRA will provide a memorial at the shelter in your name to honour your gift.
For more information on leaving a legacy gift to MADRA email info@madra.ie or log on to www.madra.ie or telephone (091 ) 584274.
MADRA is grateful for the invaluable support from two Galway solicitors, who will draft up a simple will from €50 plus VAT (terms and conditions apply. See madra.ie ) which includes a legacy to the benefit of MADRA Dog Rescue, Connemara.
Contact Benen Fahy Associates Solicitors, Bridge St, Galway on 091 533011 or Geraghty & Co. Solicitors, 1 Rosemary Ave, Eyre Sq. Galway on 091 565258 for more information.