Will you be part of Galway Samaritans' future by leaving it a gift in your will?

In the Republic of Ireland in 2019, Samaritans answered 431,871 telephone calls and close to 20,000 emails. More than 4,000 people received face-to-face emotional support in branches or at festivals across the country.

The organisation supports the lonely, those who live in isolation in rural and urban communities, visits prisoners, and reaches out to students.

"Before Covid 19 restrictions, we visited schools, colleges, sports clubs and workplaces, to spread the message that there is always someone who will listen," a spokesperson says. "These face-to-face services will recommence as soon as we are

safe to meet up again. Meanwhile, during these changed times, here in Galway, anyone can call us on Freephone 116123 and e-mail us on jo@samaritans.ie.

"The Samaritans have been established in Ireland for 50 years, the first branch opened in Dublin. Galway opened its doors in 1976. So you can see we're here for all our futures. You could play your part in our efforts to support people who are in distress. Gifts in wills provide a lifeline to people who've turned to the Samaritans when they're no longer able to face their struggles alone. Could you find a place in your will, for the Samaritans?"

A Samaritans' supporter recalled the help the organisation gave her youngest daughter who tried to take her life during her twenties.

"My youngest daughter Emily* tried to take her own life when she was in her twenties. She had suffered with depression for some time, and found it difficult to deal with her thoughts and feelings. I can't describe how painful it is to see your child feel this helpless. When things were particularly difficult for Emily, she turned to the Samaritans for help.

"I will always be grateful to the Samaritans, and by leaving a legacy I can help them be there for more people like my daughter."

*Name has been changed.

The Samaritans thank people for their generosity down through the years, and hope that people can continue supporting them by including them in their wills or by donating to them on idonate.ie/galwaysamaritans.


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