Sad events remind us that we need to mind each other

There has been a lot a sadness in our news lately, and I don’t mean that of a purely Covid nature. Tragedies in Cork and Dublin have shocked us all, but saddened us even more.

We are moved in this way because we can relate with any situation that happens within families; after all, we all come from families. We are aware of the stresses and strains and joys and exhilarations that make up family life and of how quickly they can unravel.

In the past few days and weeks, there have been several tragic incidents that have led to injury and death and trauma. Involving young and old, parents and children. Incidents which seem out of place in this small country of ours; incidents which have cut to the heart of family life.

Since early summer, every village, town and city in Ireland has known unexpected tragedies which have left them reeling.

This is not a place to speculate on the causes of each, but perhaps it is no coincidence that so many communities are being impacted by sadness, due to the overwhelming nature that pervades our waking and non-sleeping moments this year.

A lot of people are struggling right now...I would say that almost all of us are struggling to cope with the cloud that has descended over the world. Let it not be a flag of shame that we are impacted psychologically by what is happening.

The Galway Advertiser turned 50 years old earlier this year, and it has not turned out to be the sort of celebration we thought it might, but it has been a year that has enlightened us in many ways too. We have seen how communities have worked together to look out for one another, and here we are again in another period of isolation.

If there is someone who you know has not been able to get out and about in the last while, we would be delighted to post them free of charge a copy of the Galway Advertiser every Thursday until we get out of this latest restriction.

Go to Page 12 and fill in the form there; treat someone who you think would like to get the Advertiser mailed to them.

Let them know that at least one day a week, the postman will call, and a familiar face will pop through their letterbox. It is just a small gesture by us, but we can all do our own gestures.

It is unfortunate that this latest restriction comes at the darkest time of the year. It is a time when we need to look out for each other. Make that call, write that letter, give someone the gift of your time. Stay safe.


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