Expectant mums 'left out in the rain' sparks calls for 'more compassionate maternity care' from Sinn Féin TD

Dep Mairead Farrell raises issue after after a number of expectant mothers had to wait outside in the rain until called in for appointment

A "more compassionate approach" needs to be established with maternity care after a number of expectant mothers were forced to wait outside in the rain until called in for their appointments at University Hospital Galway.

This is the view of Sinn Féin Galway West TD Mairéad Farrell, who was contacted by numerous expectant mothers who had experienced this situation.

Dep Farrell then contacted UHG, and according to the TD, was told that the women were asked to wait in their cars until called for the appointments. However Dep Farrell pointed out that many of the patients do not have cars, and that they were all given the same appointment times "which led to a congregation outside of the maternity unit".


Dep Farrell [pictured above] pointed out that this is already a stressful time for pregnant women as partners are not allowed to attend “vital appointments and scans” with them.

“I was in touch with one woman who attended her 12-week scan to be told the devastating news that her baby would not survive," she said. "Her partner was not present due to Covid 19 restrictions and was waiting in the UHG car park. This was incredibly traumatic for the woman to hear such devastating news alone.”

Need to have partners present


Dep Farrell acknowledged that precautions must be taken due to Covid 19, but that it was also "extremely important" for expectant mothers to have support with them throughout the process of having a baby. "There needs to be a recognition of the importance of having partners present," she said.

She said it was "hugely disappointing" to see that this issue was not addressed in the Plan For Living With Covid 19. "What should be a wonderful and joyous time in a pregnant woman’s life has not been the case for many," she said. "They have faced unique challenges and left without the usual supports.”


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