Schools ‘not obliged’ to order from Government list of PPE suppliers, says Hoare

City councillors encourages schools to avail of local suppliers, and that they will not be penalised for doing so

None of the PPE suppliers in the Government’s recently issued list of suppliers to schools are Galway based, while only one is located in Connacht.

The issue has been highlighted by Fine Gael Galway City Central councillor Eddie Hoare, who said a number of Galway schools have had difficulties with these listed suppliers such as delays in deliveries or incorrect deliveries, deficiencies in stock levels, inferior product quality, and a refusal to accept returns.

The list was drafted by the Department of Education and Science, but Cllr Hoare has pointed out that schools can in fact deviate from the list of preferred suppliers.

Importance of local suppliers


“The safety of teachers, staff, and pupils is paramount and the soundings have been quite negative in that regard,” he said. “It is clearly stated within the terms of the Roadmap for Full Return to School that PPE and consumables can be purchased from sources outside the list of preferred suppliers. I have received confirmation from the Department that this will not impact the Covid-19 Capitation Grant.

Indeed, the Government has encouraged people to shop local where possible, and Cllr Hoare is asking schools to follow through on this.

“Local suppliers are the ones who create employment in our city and contribute rates to fund our city’s annual budget,” he said. “The Department directed the schools to these suppliers but by no means did they want to disrupt the relationship the schools had with their existing suppliers.”


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