Flu vaccine campaign needs to get the message out, says Killilea

A campaign to inform people about the cost and availability of flu vaccine needs to get the message out to everyone in the coming weeks, Fianna Fail Cllr Donogh Killilea told the Regional Health Forum this week.

He said that in order for the vaccine uptake to be significant, people need to know if there is a cost for their children and for themselves.

In a comprehensive answer, Breda Crehan-Roche, Chief Officer, Community Healthcare West said that the Flu Vaccine is expected to be available at the end of September and planning is currently underway for administration of the flu vaccine to the general public and all healthcare staff.

She said that negotiations have recently been completed with the IMO regarding the administration of the Flu Vaccine by G.P’s

Following consultation with the IMO, the Minister for Health, with the approval of the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, has determined, pursuant to Section 42 of the Public Service (Pay and Pensions ) Act, 2017, that the following fee rates should apply for the administration of the seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme for winter 2020/21.

The existing fee of €15 will be maintained for all QIV Influenza vaccinations, GMS and non-GMS;

In addition to this, each GP will be eligible for a further payment of €100 for every 10 unique patients to whom he/she administers the QIV Influenza vaccination;

A fee of €20 will be made available for vaccinations using the (nasal ) Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV ) for children aged from 2 to 12 years inclusive;

In addition, each GP will be eligible for a further payment of €150 for every 10 unique patients aged from 2 to 12 years inclusive to whom he/she administers the LAIV;

GPs will continue to be eligible for a payment of €28.50 for administration of a Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV ) to an eligible individual in the relevant at risk group under the GMS provided that the vaccine is not administered by the GP (or by another GP in the same practice ) on the same day as an Influenza vaccine.

The existing fee of €42.75 will continue to apply for the administration of combined Influenza and PPV vaccinations on the same day by the GP or by the GP concerned and another GP in the same practice. Each such instance of combined influenza and PPV vaccination will count as one for the purpose of calculating the level of further adult payments (as described above ) that a GP will be eligible to receive.


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