Farrell makes demands for Claregalway

Footpaths, parking spaces, and safe ways for children to cross the road to school are essential for Claregalway and must be provided by the Galway County Council.

This is the view of Labour’s Oranmore candidate Josette Farrell. During recent canvassing in Claregalway, the provision of footpaths and safe crossing points for children emerged as two of the main issues on the doorsep.

Ms Farrell is calling on the Galway County Council to provide a footpath for Slí an Bhradáin and Church View, two of the largest estates in Claregalway. She added that it was “unusual” that footpath facilities were developed up to the Cúirt na hAbhainn Estate and then “abandoned”, even though the stretch after the estate up to the community centre road “is regularly used by schoolchildren”. She also wants to see a lollipop lady provided for school hours.

“Many of the residents of these estates are schoolchildren,” she said. “The lack of proper infrastructure means risks are taken every day as children try to cross the busy road to get to school.”

Ms Farrell is also calling for parking facilities at Claregalway National School as the current lack of such facilities means parents are forced to pull up on the road, blocking traffic flow, when trying to collect their children.


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