Summer driving advice

With the emphasis this year on staycations, most Irish holidaymakers will be travelling to destinations by car. High temperatures and the busy roads of summer can put extra demands on cars and drivers, so it is important drivers take extra safety precautions to ensure they arrive at their destination safely.

This week Kevin Burke Tyres has provided some useful tips to help reduce the risk of breakdowns and keep stress levels to a minimum.

• Check all your fluid levels.

• Check tyre condition and pressures.

• Increase tyre pressure if carrying extra passengers or heavy luggage (check the handbook ).

• Check caravan and camper van tyres, and if perished or cracked, replace.

• Ensure the air conditioning is working correctly by checking coolant levels and hoses.

• If carrying luggage on the roof, use a roof box to reduce drag.

• Sun glare causes many accidents, keep a clean and unscratched pair of glasses in the vehicle.

• Clean windscreen inside and out to remove smears which will catch sunlight and impair vision.

• Renew worn or damaged wiper blades - be prepared for the rain in Ireland.

• Stock the car with an emergency kit, especially a flashlight, blanket, first-aid kit, and some basic tools. Also, bring water and extra snacks, just in case.

• Ensure to stop for breaks when travelling long distance, frequent short stops are better than one long stop

• Finally Be Safe, make sure to drive safely and follow the rules of the road

Kevin Burke Tyres is located at Furzypark, Athenry; Crowe Street, Gort, and Riverside in Galway city. Call in today to the nearest outlet for a free tyre check, or telepone Athenry 091-845329, Galway 091-769636, Gort 091- 632800


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