Exploring the Liminal Entities at Galway Arts Centre

Exhibition featuring work by Hazel Egan, Nicola Gunwhy, and Olivia Normile will ask viewers to question what they think they know

THE QUIET tensions existing through and between bodies and objects, is a major theme of Liminal Entities, a new group exhibition at the Galway Arts Centre, Dominick Street.

Liminal Entities, curated by Rita McMahon, and featuring work by Hazel Egan, Nicola Gunwhy, and Olivia Normile, was originally to have taken place in March, but could not proceed owing to the Covid-19 lockdown.

However, with restrictions eased, the exhibition can finally go ahead. It opens tomorrow, Friday July 31, and runs until Saturday August 8. Through installation, sound, and moving image, Liminal Entities explores boundaries of bodies, objects, and ideas, and will ask viewers to question what they think they know.

Egan works predominantly with drawing, printmaking, and installation. Her work attempts to translate everyday intangible ideas and encounters into solid yet delicate form. Gunwhy’s work is primarily focused on corporeality and identity, with pertinent issues including ownership of power and the political implications of illness and vulnerability. Normile uses her practice to negotiate the space around image, object, and idea and the possibilities to speculate beyond them. She considers nature, time, and chance her collaborators and believes in the universal and transformative power of play.

Safety measures will be in operation. Visitor numbers will be restricted and socially distanced queuing outside Galway Arts Centre may be required during busy periods. Visitors should wear a mask during their visit to the gallery. Gallery opening times are Mondays to Saturdays, from 12 noon to 5pm. See www.galwayartscentre.ie


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