A MAJOR exhibition of Galway city and county based artists work - Ealaíon At Lúnasa - will take please over three venues from July 30.
Ealaíon At Lúnasa is being directed by the Galway City Museum, Galway Arts Centre, and Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust and the organisers are calling on Galway based artists to submit work for the exhibition.
Artists can submit documentation of up to three works on CD or DVD. They must also include a CV, artist’s statement, price of work (includes 35 per cent commission ), and a stamped addressed envelope to Ealaíon At Lúnasa, Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street, Galway.
The submission is open to both art student and professional visual artists. The deadline is 5pm on Friday May 8. Artists will be informed of the partnership’s decision on May 22. For more information email maeve@galwayartscentre.ie or phone 091 - 565886.