Art exhibition at Kinvara Courthouse

New work from Katie Burke, Deirdre Crowley, Maria Donegan, Anne Greene, Emer MacDermott, Hugh Murphy, Louise O’Boyle, Tonita O’Dwyer, and Beatrice Stapleton

KINVARA COURTHOUSE is re-opening and tomorrow, Friday July 10, marks the first visual arts exhibition there since lockdown - Moments of Glad Grace.

The exhibition title comes from a line in WB Yeats' 'When You Are Old': "How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true".

Despite the easing of lockdown, we continue to live through a pandemic, and in such times finding “moments of glad grace” where we can be mindful, at ease, and find things to be grateful for are to be treasured. This is the idea behind these news works by the Nova Contemporary Art Collective, a group of artists who have graduated from the GMIT Centre for Creative Arts and Media.

The exhibiting artists are Katie Burke, Deirdre Crowley, Maria Donegan, Anne Greene, Emer MacDermott, Hugh Murphy, Louise O’Boyle, Tonita O’Dwyer and Beatrice Stapleton.

Moments of Glad Grace runs until Friday July 17. Gallery opening times are 11am to 4pm.


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