McDonnell calls for traffic plan to solve Moneenageisha roadworks delays

The reason there are huge traffic delays at Moonenageisha is not because of the roadworks there but because there is no traffic management plan or co-ordination between the gardaí, the developer, and the Galway City Council.

This is the view of Independent councillor Declan McDonnell. Works are taking place at Moonenageisha to replace the roundabout with a controlled traffic light system. However the area is experiencing very bad traffic congestion and tailbacks.

“The roads around here are not moving,” Cllr McDonnell told the Galway Advertiser. “They are becoming a car park.”

Cllr McDonnell said there is “no co-ordination between the gardaí, the developer, and the Galway City Council” and no traffic plan to deal with the situation.

“They must get information out to the public telling them clearly and accurately to say which lanes are open and which are closed,” he said. “A traffic management plan is a also needed as in the current climate people cannot afford to be late for work or lose business.”


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