Leahy slams HSE’s ‘inaction’ when welfare fraud is uncovered

HSE is having ‘wool pulled over its eyes’ by dishonest claimants

A local Fianna Fail councillor is “outraged” at what she alleges is the HSE’s “relative inaction” when fraud and deception is uncovered in the health authority’s welfare system.

Renmore city councillor Mary Leahy says she is aware of “many examples” where the HSE is having the “wool pulled over its eyes” by a minority of dishonest claimants.

“One example relates to rent allowance where situations have occurred whereby the HSE continue to pay this allowance, often up to €220 per week, to claimants who have falsified the declaration stating that they continue to reside at an address when in fact they have moved out years earlier,” she alleges. “In another case, the HSE were paying rent allowance to both husband and wife at two different addresses when in fact they were living together at the same address as the PPS numbers were not cross-referenced. This cost the HSE over €6,000.

“I am aware of overpayments of thousands of euro which has been uncovered by the HSE yet it is not being referred on to the gardai. I have contacted senior members of the Gardai who although they have anecdotal evidence of the level of fraud out there cannot investigate it if it is not referred on to them.

“I am also aware that when fraud is uncovered by the HSE, the response in many cases is to deduct a small amount of money, say €10 per week, from ongoing allowances in an attempt to recoup thousands of euros. This is a grave injustice to the taxpayer and is depriving the honest person who is in need of these resources. From my discussions with the Gardai, they would be very eager to investigate this crime if it were referred to them.”

Cllr Leahy says information brought to her attention has revealed a number of flaws, which if addressed, would go a long way towards “combating this abuse of taxpayers’ money.”

“This is a very serious issue, but more so now as limited resources are needed for more and more families.”

She is urging the HSE to introduce a number of measures which she believes will limit or eliminate this alleged fraud.

“For example, the HSE must cease relying on a rent review form which can be easily falsified by a fraudulent claimant and instead liase with the landlord or agent in establishing that the claimant continues to reside at the stated property. A national standard must be introduced also whereby all community welfare officers nationwide cross check the PPS number of a couple claiming rent allowance to eliminate the risk of double payments.

“It is essential that all fraud uncovered is immediately referred to the Gardai for investigation and that the Revenue Commissioners send immediate notification to the HSE to advise them when a person has taken up employment.”

Cllr Leahy is also calling for “joined up thinking” between agencies such as the Revenue Commissioners and the HSE which would combat this type of crime.

She alleges that “lengthy delays” by the Revenue Commissioners informing the HSE that a claimant has taken up employment has resulted in overpayment of unemployment benefit.

The HSE was contacted by this newspaper but at the time of going to press we had not received a comment.


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