Get job ready with Galway Rural Development

The staff at Galway Rural Development have continued working throughout the Covid-19 pandemic to serve community groups and individuals in County Galway. Indeed, GRD has been at the forefront of the county’s efforts, from grocery and medication collection to meals on wheels and related services.

GRD has also maintained its core education and training function through SICAP – the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme. Online training has become a necessary part of that function, but also an opportunity for people to gain additional qualifications which will prepare them to return to work or be job ready.

The landscape in education and training has changed, and increasingly colleges are offering lectures and course online. "This is something we will all have to get used to," said CEO of Galway Rural Development Steve Dolan. "Online courses can be a great way to gain qualifications in a way and a time that suits individual circumstances. We all need to respond to this change."

Staff in Galway Rural Development can support individuals in taking the leap into the digital world, as well as assisting with job applications, updates to CVs, and interview and presentation skills. GRD also has a range of supports online, including HACCP and First Aid Responder courses. Get in touch on 091 844335 to see how GRD can support you.

Your next job interviews are likely to be online, so get yourself ready to face the screen.


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