Cannon welcomes move to bring Druid classics into people’s homes

An east Galway TD has welcomed the move by Druid Theatre to make some of its classic productions available for free for people at home.

Minister for the Diaspora and International Development Ciaran Cannon said initiatives like this are another support for people who are observing current restrictions and a reminder of the need to support creative artists throughout this crisis and after it has passed.

Minister Cannon said; “JM Synge’s Shadow of the Glen was one of the productions scheduled to be performed in the Village Theatre in Carrabane this month by a group in Portumna and which is now deferred until further notice.

“I’m very pleased therefore to see that this classic of the Irish stage is now among the productions that Druid Theatre and Wildfire Films have made available for free for viewers on Vimeo along with Riders to the Sea and The Playboy of the Western World.

“Initiatives like this are another support for people who are observing current restrictions and at a time when our theatres and performing venues are closed.”

Minister Cannon added; “It is also a reminder of the wealth of talent among our creative artists and the urgent need to support them throughout this crisis and after it has passed.”


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