'The continued sense of ‘togetherness’ in Galway is something we should be very proud of'

City's diverse communities are coming together to

Amid this Covid-19 lockdown, and these extremely unsettling times, as I reflect upon the many profound and unprecedented changes to all our lives, I am sincerely proud of the solid community spirit that exists throughout all of our city.

This City of the Tribes, or communities, connected by social, economic, religious, and cultural links, are faced with continuous changes on a daily basis, such as loss of employment, reduced working hours, business closures, and the harsh reality of adapting to various ‘new norms’.

These are very difficult times, but we must continue to work together, by supporting each other, and by upholding a great sense of community spirit, by continuing to work together for the greater good. The continued sense of ‘togetherness’ in Galway, and throughout our country is something that we should all be very proud of.

Throughout this Covid-19 pandemic, our frontline workers have been phenomenal, and we must continue to applaud and admire the tireless work and bravery of healthcare workers and essential workers, who truly are the real hero’s during this worldwide crisis. We, as a city, are very proud of all of you all, and I would like to sincerely thank every one of you.

'There are 42 different nationalities in Roscam and Doughiska, one of the most diverse areas in the country, so it is uplifting to see everyone working together'

As an elected representative for Galway City East, I, too, have to adapt to the impact of Covid-19, and continue to ‘think outside the box’, in order to sustain my role and responsibilities to my constituents. Working closely with the communities in my own area, Roscam and Doughiska, we have set-up a new support network, the Covid 19 Support Group, with the primary focus of helping the older and most vulnerable people within our community.

It is notable that there are approximately 42 different nationalities within the Roscam and Doughiska constituency, making it one of the most diverse areas in the country, so it is uplifting to see everyone working together, and in unison with the Galway City Council, Garda, and Galway Volunteers, and other great organisations.


Naturally, like everyone else, I miss my daily routine of interacting with others. I miss spending time with my family, especially my parents, who will be celebrating their 52nd Wedding Anniversary next week. A number of weeks ago, my Dad was hospitalised, but thankfully was discharged just before the lockdown restricted were implemented. Our family is so grateful to the wonderful staff at UCHG for the care and kindness they gave to my Dad during that time, so I would like to applaud you once again.

'This lockdown experience is very humbling for many of us. It gives us a better appreciation for the things that matter most in life'

Having almost completed my first year as an elected representative in the Galway City Council, I will in time, reflect back on this pandemic. I will remember the coming together of our communities, supporting each other, and how we worked together as a tribe. Sadly, I will also remember the immense hardship and suffering endured by those families who lost loved ones during these terrible times, and the associated difficult circumstances surrounding their death.

It is safe to say this lockdown experience is very humbling for many of us. It gives us a better appreciation for the things that matter most in life, thus making us better people, not only for our families, but for our communities.

The city of Galway – The City of the Tribes – we are all in this together. Stay safe and stay at home.


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