Rúibín re-open as a takeaway!

We at Rúibín have decided to re-open as a takeaway. We are doing so in a manner that will keep both us and our customers safe. All orders & payments take place online. For every order, a time slot must be selected. It can only be selected once and there is a 10-minute gap between each one. The transaction will be completely contactless. All orders are placed through our website www.ruibin.ie

Outside of meals, we will also sell a market box. This will have homemade Rúibín products as well as products from Irish supplies who are finding it tough at the moment. We like to think of it as a box that celebrates our Irish suppliers. Each box will contain a great bottle of wine, a homemade loaf of bread, some homemade granola, as well as a range of products from Irish suppliers. Think cured meats from Wooded Pig, sheep's yoghurt from Velvet Cloud, goats cheese from Larry’s Goat Farm, organic veggies from Sloe Hill Farm, potatoes from Ballymakenny Farm and so on. The box will change each week but the idea would be that the items in the box pair nicely with each other. I.e the yogurt goes well on top of granola, the cured meat pairs nicely with the wine.

Each box will contain a little printout of suggestions from Alice as to how the contents could be used. It costs €55.

Check us out @ www.ruibin.ie or through the link on InstagramFacebook.



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