Get ready for Covid bounce back, with no-contact pelvic physiotherapy

We all know the dreadful feeling of needing the bathroom suddenly to empty our bowels while having coffee with friends or while out shopping, and how humiliating and embarrassing it is to be caught short and pass stool. Imagine the awful feeling with an overwhelming urge to empty your bowel and not making it to the bathroom on time. Worse still is the fear of not being able to control wind or gas. Help is available to give yourself back your freedom without fear of bowel leaks and to ensure optimal bowel emptying and solve constipation.

Ireland extended the Covid-19 restrictions on personal freedom and movement on April 10. We can look forward to further updates in the coming weeks, hopefully with good news about safe plans to exit these restrictions. No-contact pelvic physiotherapy can help you bounce back to your new life. Telephone and video call physiotherapy can give you optimal health and a good quality of life, without fear of incontinence or other pelvic conditions, from the comfort of your own home.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist and winner of the BPW and Irish Permanent Galway Young Business Woman of Year Award, provides telephone and video call physiotherapy to keep the chest clear, maintain strength and fitness, and treat pelvic floor muscles for bladder and bowel incontinence. She also treats sexual dysfunction, prolapse, post-natal pelvic conditions, and osteoporosis. You can get your pelvic floor muscles in top working order while social distancing.

Irish Consumer Behaviour (ICB ) recently reported the great news that 34 per cent of people in Ireland who are currently self-isolating, social distancing, or cocooning have taken up exercise. This is a positive initiative which people will hopefully continue long after the pandemic for optimal health.

Though unusual for Aoife Ni Eochaidh to conduct physiotherapy by phone or video call, it is a new world for all of us now and it is vital to provide physiotherapy in this way to prevent the further spread of the virus. She currently offers pelvic physiotherapy in this way and appointments are available when people need them; early morning, daytime, and in the evening. People can choose to have their pelvic physiotherapy consultation by telephone phone call, Zoom, WhatsApp, Skype, or FaceTime.

Patients are advised on an individual basis in a live physiotherapy assessment. Don’t worry that telephone and video physiotherapy might not be as good as attending in person, a lot can still be achieved and it is always better to start sooner rather than later with any health issues. Many people who have more time now because they are home due to Covid-19 are delighted to consult with Aoife Ni Eochaidh in this new way, especially new mothers, those after surgery (prostate, bowel, or gynaecological ), those with prolapse or bladder or bowel problems, and especially those with intimacy and sexual dysfunction issues and osteoporosis.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh is an experienced and passionate chartered physiotherapist who runs her private clinic normally from Suite 14, Bon Secours Consultant Clinic, in Renmore, Galway. She will be delighted to welcome all patients who have had to postpone the rest of their pelvic physiotherapy for different Covid-related reasons back to the clinic as soon as possible. New patients, either referred or self-referred, will be seen face to face too, as urgently as possible, once she can safely do so. In the meantime, treatments are done by telephone or video call.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh uses modern, non-invasive, evidence-based, and portable technologies such as electrical stimulation. All pelvic physiotherapy equipment needed by the patient can be delivered safely to homes to treat the root cause and ensure excellent results. She is highly experienced and skilled in the use of a large tool box of treatments. Aoife Ni Eochaidh treats all age groups. Get your confidence and quality of life back, without fear due to Covid-19, with a video or telephone physiotherapy appointment!

As we come to the end of the Covid-19 crisis, the ‘butterflies’ will be exiting the cocoon and bouncing back to normal life. Talk to your doctor, or inquire with Aoife Ni Eochaidh about having your physiotherapy treatment by telephone or video call. Decreasing respiratory function, general fitness and wellbeing, and decreasing bladder, bowel, and sexual function are awful, but with physiotherapy treatment the results are great.

To book a no-contact pelvic physiotherapy appointment or a refresher pelvic physiotherapy appointment from the comfort of your own home, or for further information, email [email protected], see, ring 087 2863013, or view Aoife Ni Eochaidh on her YouTube channel which is called Pelvi Podcast.


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