Lockdown views: Jacinta O Connor


"As a mother of five boys, most of my time is already occupied but not having the usual school runs and strict routine has meant more time for those house projects that I usually ignore. Things likes decluttering wardrobes and finally giving the kitchen cabinets a deep clean.

"I am so looking forward to visiting my parents in Claddagh. It's been really tough to go from almost daily visits to not seeing them in person for over a month. Simple things like walking to town with the twins and my Mam, browsing shops, and grabbing a coffee. And hopefully go on a sun holiday somewhere.


"Fortunately, there are a lot more positives than negatives, so far anyhow. We're lucky where we live. There is space outside for the children to enjoy fresh air and space. Definitely not having the manic routine and rush of getting everyone up and out the door for school is a positive but at the same time, the negative is there is no escape from everyone being home all the time; my eight year old says my name at least 800 times during the day. I'm cooking more and depending on who you ask, that could be both a positive and negative, LOL.

"To my sister in New York, Elizabeth, please keep safe and we will visit soon. To my brother on the Isle of Wight, James, who works for the NHS, I am thinking of you so much, working on the front line, please also keep safe. My sister, Ursula, who works in a nursing home in St Marys, [it is] not an easy job at the moment but all of you are doing amazing. We will all be together soon and enjoy many more trips together and laughs."


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