Telephone and video call physiotherapy – digital health care from home

Ireland increased the restrictions on personal freedom and movements on March 28 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Telephone and video call physiotherapy can give you optimal health and well-being from the comfort or your own home.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh, chartered physiotherapist and winner of the BPW and Irish Permanent Galway Young Business Woman of Year Award, provides telephone and video call physiotherapy to keep the chest clear, maintain strength and fitness, and provides pelvic floor muscle treatment for bladder and bowel incontinence, as well as for sexual dysfunction, prolapse, and post-natal pelvic and abdominal care.

At-risk groups such as those who are cocooning, self-isolating due to symptoms, or recovering from Covid-19 can receive physiotherapy by telephone and video calls. Though it is unusual for Aoife Ni Eochaidh to conduct physiotherapy by phone or video call, it is a new world for all of us now and it is vital to provide physiotherapy in this way.

Patients are advised on an individual basis in a live physiotherapy assessment. Don’t worry that telephone and video physiotherapy might not be as good as attending in person, a lot can still be achieved and it has always better to start sooner rather than later with any health issues.

Aoife Ni Eochaidh is an experienced and passionate chartered physiotherapist who runs her private clinic normally from Suite 14, Bon Secours Consultant Clinic, Renmore, Galway.

It is so important to keep up optimal lung function and physical fitness during the self-isolation, social distancing, and cocooning period. It is never too late to begin physiotherapy, a 100-year-old muscle can be trained. Decreasing lung function can give breathing symptoms, decreased mobility, and poor strength and endurance. Aoife Ni Eochaidh cautions that when the body is not being exercised correctly it can be a real drain on our energy levels, it can affect our sleep and our ability to undertake our day-to-day activities.

Bowel dysfunction can particularly set in with decreased mobility, with symptoms of constipation, obstructed bowel, faecal urgency, and faecal incontinence. Aoife Ni Eochaidh can assist carers and family members with advice for loved ones to ensure their optimal fitness and good bowel function in these very challenging times. She also treats bladder and bowel incontinence, prolapse, sexual and erectile dysfunction, and all conditions related to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

Aoife Ni Eochaidh uses modern non-invasive evidence-based and currently portable technologies to treat the root cause and ensure excellent results. She is highly experienced and skilled in the use of a large tool box of treatments. She treats all age groups. Get your confidence and quality of life back, without fear due to Covid-19 with a video or telephone physiotherapy appointment.

Talk to your doctor, or inquire with Aoife Ni Eochaidh about having your physiotherapy treatment by telephone or video call for optimal respiratory function, fitness, muscle and bone health, and for chronic diseases. She also successfully treats conditions including urinary incontinence, prolapse (womb, bladder, or bowel ), obstructed defecation, colitis, vaginismus, pelvic pain, bed wetting, pregnancy and childbirth incontinence (including C section and most importantly for third degree obstetric tears ), and post-natal diastasis rectus, overactive bladder, cystitis, sexual and erectile dysfunction, and osteoporosis.

Decreasing respiratory function, fitness, and wellbeing and decreasing bladder and bowel and sexual function are awful, but with physiotherapy treatment the results are great. To book a physiotherapy appointment, a refresher pelvic physiotherapy appointment from the comfort of your own home, or for further information email, see, call 087 2863013, or view Aoife Ni Eochaidh on her YouTube channel, called Pelvi Podcast.


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