ULTRASOUND Services Available at Galway Doc.

The clinic is open 6 days a week from 12PM to 9PM. Closed on Wednesdays only.

A reminder of available Ultrasound services at Galway Doc:


Lungs Ultrasound used to diagnose Pneumonia, or the presence of fluid in your lung tissue. Latest medical researches showed that Ultrasound is more sensitive than chest x-ray in detecting swollen lungs and Pneumonia.


Late early pregnancy scan from 11th week:

Ultrasound used in early pregnancy to confirm intra-uterine pregnancy. It is used in suspected multiple gestation, and to exclude ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy. An estimate of delivery date and fetal weight will be provided based on the size of gestational sac and crown-rump length. Our doctor will show you your baby's heart beat too.

From 11th to 13th weeks, nuchal translucency (a fluid under the baby's neck ) is usually measured. 75% of fetuses with Down's syndrome have a larger than normal NT, as do many fetuses with other forms of chromosomal abnormalities.

Third trimester ( from 27th week ):

Head circumference and abdominal circumference will be measured. An estimate of fetal weight will be provided. In addition to heart beat detection, the doctor will also look for structures which will determine baby's gender.

URINARY TRACT (Kidneys,Bladder,Prostate )

Kidneys ultrasound studies can show the size and position of the kidneys. They can also show if there are blockages, stones, cysts, and tumors.

Bladder ultrasound is used to check bladder draining. The urine that remains in the bladder after urinating "PVR" is measured. High amount of residual urine is caused by enlarged prostate, urethral narrowing, bladder dysfunction. Bladder ultrasound can also give information about bladder wall, bladder infection, diverticula (pouches ) of the bladder, prostate size, bladder stones, large tumors of the bladder.

Prostate ultrasound can measure the size of the prostate to help plan treatment. It can detect prostate stones, pus and tumors ( in addition to blood test and physical examination ).

UTERUS (Womb )


Ultrasound of the abdominal aorta is painless test that uses sound waves to image the "aorta," the main blood vessel leading away from the heart. When the walls of the abdominal aorta become weak, they may balloon outward If the aorta reaches over 3 centimeters in diameter, it is then called an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA ). As the aneurysm gets larger, the risk of rupture increases. Ultrasound is a useful tool for screening the aorta in patients with diabetes, hight blood pressure, smokers, those with family history of aortic aneurysm, and men aged over 60.

087 171 0242

6 days a week, including weekends.

12PM - 9PM, closed on Wednesdays only.

Urban Wellbeing

Tuam Road Retail Center



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