Druid’s production of Playboy available to watch online for Leaving Cert students

Watch the play and interact with Druid when studying Synge's masterpiece

DRUID THEATRE'S award-winning 2005 production of The Playboy Of The Western World by JM Synge is now available online for free as a resource for those studying the play for the Leaving Cert.

Druid and Wildfire Films have made this recording of the play - starring Aaron Monaghan, Marie Mullen and Catherine Walsh, and directed by Garry Hynes - available via Vimeo for a limited time on https://vimeo.com/401020599.

It can be accessed by all English teachers and Leaving Cert students, and Druid is inviting students and teachers to tune in, ask questions, and give feedback via Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (@druidtheatre ).

Playboy of the Western World Clip from Wildfire Films on Vimeo.


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