Lockdown abroad - Arlene Coughlan

Houston, Texas

"Howdy from north west Houston, Texas. So things here are ok so far. Everyone is working online from home. The children were on spring break from school two weeks ago and have been off since. The school districts have provided online timetables with classes and tutorials for the children to stay on track with studies plus help parents keep an everyday schedule.

"All bars/restaurants are closed to the public for well over a week now but continue to do delivery service only. A lot of the non essential stores have closed doors (like Penneys type stores ). Supermarkets are open here and well enough stocked and all precautions taken ie distance between shoppers, only certain number of people in store at a time, and sanitizing going in and out again.

"They have issued a mandatory stay at home policy from March 24 to April 3 for city of Houston and Harris county. The hospitals are running fine. There have been no issues I have heard of to date (health service is amazing here ). They have procedures in place of what to do in the event you feel ill. Testing centres have been set up and scattered throughout the county.

"Local communities are fantastic and have really pulled together to help one another during this time via Facebook groups etc. All in all myself and my little corner are doing ok so far. I don’t know anyone who has it yet even though there are a good few cases here. I haven't lost my mind yet. I am getting lots of jobs done round the house and garden (hopefully be gorgeous for the summer ).

"The temperature here today right now is 29 degrees Celsius at 2pm and is due to go up to the thirties from tomorrow; hoping the heat burns off the virus (wishing it anyways ). Hoping you are keeping safe whoever is reading this message."


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