Lockdown abroad - Sinead Ryan

Dallas, Texas

"Here in Dallas county, I am working from home. They have ordered a shelter in place for all residents so I won’t be back in my office before April 5. We are allowed to go to the supermarket, walk dogs, and exercise outside but even then people are walking five people wide on paths. All I do is work at home and then go for a jog in the evening to clear my head.

"I just came off a call telling me that my company will be putting people on furlough, possible layoffs, and no merit increases (which were due right about now ). I work in corporate retail so all our stores are now closed and our website is not pulling in anything close to our stores. The news we got today is so vague so I’m not panicking yet and I have some savings that will help us.

"We are trying to keep supermarket visits to a minimum. Aldi has been great to shop (a few things out of stock but people were sticking to the guidelines of two per person etc ) but Walmart looks like the end of days when we go in. Lines are long and the shelves are empty. The problem isn’t supply, it is greed and people only thinking of themselves. One positive of this is I have more time to speak to family and friends via phone or Instagram and honestly, it has lifted my mood big time."


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