Website launched to connect industry personal protective equipment stock to hospitals worldwide

Researchers at NUI Galway and University of Limerick have joined forces to design and launch a new website for personal protective equipment (PPE ) emergency supply donation to connect industry PPE stock to hospitals worldwide.

The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed the resources of the world’s health systems, often leaving frontline clinical staff without the required PPE, as traditional supply logistic chains lag behind the surge in demand. Professor Derek O’Keeffe, consultant physician at University Hospital Galway and professor of medical device technology at NUI Galway, has developed this innovative solution with his engineering colleague Dr Kevin Johnson, University of Limerick, to help tackle this problem.

The new global platform,, allows local organisations, such as industry, business, universities, and laboratories, who may have PPE stock in supply, to list their inventory of PPEs such as gloves, gowns, goggles, etc, along with contact details and then drop a map pin to show their geographic location.

If a COVID-19 surge occurs in their geographic area, for example Cairo, Cork, Calgary, then the local hospital or clinic can simply click on the map and see what emergency PPE/medical stock is in their area and access it quickly.

“Speaking with my clinical colleagues across the world and looking at the repeating patterns of health supply logistics breakdowns that have occurred as COVID-19 surges have swept across the world, it is clear that innovative alternative solutions need to be developed such as to enable frontline staff get vital PPE to keep them and their patients safe,” ProfessorDerek O’Keeffe said.

Dr Kevin Johnson added: “Everybody has a role to play in this fight against the COVID-19 pandemic – that could be simply to self-isolate, use your skillset to create a website such as, or donate any surplus supplies you might have to this worthy cause. With so much technology at our fingertips, why not use it for the good of your community.”

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