We will get through this together, says councillor

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you in relation to the ever evolving situation regarding Covid-19. Over the coming weeks this situation is forecasted to escalate and as a nation, a city, a community we must all work together to reduce the impact.

Politics and political allegiances will take centre stage again but for now I’d ask that we all support those tasked with leading us through this situation. I believe President Michael D. Higgins captured this message best by asking people to work “in a spirit of solidarity and co-operation”.

I commend the local businesses that have put their shoulder to the wheel in helping our staff on the front line. All of these staff have families at home, our political leaders do too. They are all working through the night in an effort to control this situation. They need and deserve our full support in these testing times.

I have advised a number of residents associations to try to ensure where possible that elderly more vulnerable residents are included in residents WhatsApp groups. They may be forced to self-isolate and other healthier residents may be able to assist them with picking up groceries and other necessities. This can be done over the phone and no physical contact will be required.

Also, over the coming weeks please remember that public parks, Dangan sportground, Westside running track, beaches and the Salthill Prom all remain open. These are all very useful amenities that can be utilised while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

I am available by mobile on 087-9863350 if I can be of any assistance or if required to volunteer. I will also keep my Facebook page updated with all the relevant facts and advices as communicated by the Government, the HSE, the World Health Organisation and other factual media sources.

Well done to our local media sources for keeping us all up to date on the factual information as it unfolds.

We will all get through this difficult period together.

Ní neart go cur le chéile


Cllr Eddie Hoare,



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