The Western Podiatry Clinic

The Western Podiatry Clinic is located in the heart of Galway city at 7, Eglinton Street, most notably recognised for its red door and white sign.

The Western Podiatry Clinic offers a wide range of services for all ages. It provides a general routine treatment which includes trimming toenails, reducing thickened toenails, corn and callus removal, ingrown toenail removal, removing dead, dry skin from heels and treatment of verruca.

For those suffering from damaged or fungal nails that leaves people self-conscious, it offers two vunique services: Toenail Reconstruction and the Lacuna Method.

Nail reconstruction can be used as simple instant cover-ups for aesthetic purposes. The procedure involves applying layers of gel onto the nail which is then placed under UV light to allow the nail to harden. The lacuna fungal nail treatment penetrates the nail and allows antifungal treatment to reach the site of infection and clear it by drilling several tiny holes through the nail plate to reach the nail bed.

For those who suffer from painful bunions, flat feet, arch or heel pain, the Western Podiatry Clinic offers a full assessment and treatment plan which may involve a strength and conditioning programme, foot mobilisation therapy and orthotic therapy.

For more information on any of the services mentioned, contact Linda today to see what treatment may be suitable.

Telephone: 091-564351.


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