Galway Chamber helping make workplaces safer for all during coronavirus spread

The Corona Virus has the potential to have a serious impact on Galway’s economy over the coming months as infection spreads through communities across the country and abroad.

Most businesses in Galway are working to make their workplaces safer for employees and customers.

The basic precautions issued by the HSE to the public apply equally to the workplace. They are: Wash your hands frequently; don’t cough or sneeze openly; catch it, bin it, kill it; and if you’re feeling unwell with COVID 19 symptoms – stay at home.

Walking around Galway city centre this week you will see widespread use of hand sanitisers in many retail, hospitality and other businesses as well as prominent signage advising on precautions to prevent the spread of infection.

When first seen, the signage and other precautions may appear alarming – principally because we haven’t had the experience of anything this widespread since the Foot and Mouth outbreak in 2001 and that did not impact on urban areas significantly.

However, while the visibility of precautions may startle at first, they are also a reminder of the determination of, and necessity for, Galway’s businesses to continue to serve their customers – local, national and international – during this outbreak.

Many companies have the technological capability to allow teams work from home and if that is the case then that makes sense to do so.

Many businesses don’t have that option however. The international exposure of COVID-19 and people’s understandable caution about travelling does mean that visitor numbers in our hotels, bars and restaurants will not be as good as we would like for this time of year.

The worry and uncertainty that the virus is creating is having a too detrimental effect on how we life our lives, go about daily business and transact. What we need is calm sensible leadership.

The majority of Galway’s businesses are taking the right precautions as are most of the people in the region. For that reason, Galway’s businesses need the support of us locals during this difficult time as we all want to see them continue to serve us and our visitors long after we’ve said good riddance to COVID-19.

Members of the public need reassurance as to the steps businesses have taken to mitigate the risks to them and staff.

Galway Chamber continues to update advisories and guidance on best practice based on those of the HSE and WHO and these are available on and through social media. Examples are:

Move tables and seating at least a metre apart.

Increase cleaning of surfaces / door handles / credit card machines and so on, provide disposable gloves, but critically use social channels to reassure customers as to the steps being taken.

Encourage the use of contactless and card only payments as a means of reducing cash/coin engagement. At the best of times money, though important, contains more bacteria that you would like to think.

For businesses worried about their cash flow, doing some projections and contacting your bank/credit union NOW, rather than later is advised.

Do not wait until the week before items start being returned unpaid. That will only stress you and your relationship manager out as they will not have time to remedy the matter, also it will impact your credit rating. Also engage with suppliers, creditors and the Revenue sooner rather than later.

The same advices can also be used to help staff members manage their financial positions if not in full time secured roles.

For further information and available resources go to


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