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Council meeting moved to The Galmont Hotel

The Galway City Council meeting for March was moved from City Hall to The Galmont Hotel in order to comply with HSE guidelines for the Covid-19 prevention.

Meetings administrator for the council, Gary McMahon, told members on Monday evening that following a risk assessment carried out at City Hall, it was found the chamber contravened HSE guidelines, which stipulates there must be a minimum of two metres between two individuals who are together for more than 15 minutes and therefore the meeting was moved to The Galmont Hotel.

Burglary in Ballybane

On Sunday at approximately 12.30am a house was broken into at Beal Scutha, Ballybane.

Three youths in their early twenties were disturbed by the home owner in the sitting room of the house. All three youths were wearing dark clothing with hoodies over their heads. They fled the scene in the direction of Merlin Woods.

Anyone who may have witnessed these three youths in the area around this time is asked to contact Galway Garda Station on 091-538000.

House robbed in Rahoon

Between 12 midnight and 9am on Saturday a house was broken into at Rosan Glas, Rahoon.

Entry was gained through a back patio door and a quantity of cash was taken from the premises. A dash cam was also taken from the home owner’s car which was parked in the driveway.

Anyone who may have witnessed anybody acting suspiciously in the area or anybody who may have been offered the dash cam for sale is asked to contact Salthill Garda Station on 091-514720.

McNelis nominated for regional assembly

Labour councillor Níall McNelis has been nominated as a Galway City Council member for the Northern and Western Regional Assembly.

Cllr McNelis’s nomination was confirmed at Monday’s city council meeting at The Galmont Hotel.

The nomination comes after Cllr Declan McDonnell resigned his council nomination on December 31 after being appointed to the Committee of the Regions.

Cllr McDonnell said the new nomination will enable the city council to continue to have two members at the regional assembly.

Criminal damage in Renmore

Between 7pm and 8pm on Wednesday March 4, a white Izuzu van had significant damage done to the door of the vehicle in Tearmeann Eala, Renmore, Galway.

It appears that the culprit used some sort of an instrument to try to prise the door open. Anyone who may have witnessed anybody acting suspiciously in the area is asked to contact Galway Garda Station on 091-538000.

Phones lines cut in Oranmore

On Saturday February 29 at approximately 10.35am, Oranmore Community Centre on the Dublin Road, Oranmore, had its phone lines cut using with some sort of an implement.

Anyone who may have witnessed anyone acting suspiciously in the area is asked to contact Oranmore Garda Station on 091 388030.


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