More than 73,000 applicants meet CAO normal deadline

The Central Applications Office normal application deadline closed at 5.15pm on Saturday February 1. A total of 73,035 people applied by this deadline. This figure does not represent the total number of CAO applicants, as a late application facility opens on March 5 and closes on the May 1 at 5.15pm.

A Change of Course Choices facility became available on the CAO website on February 5, for all registered applicants. This facility can be used by mature applicants to add course choices, and for applicants who have forgotten to include a restricted course on their CAO application — a fee of €10 applies.

Most applicants will use the free Change of Mind facility which opens in May and closes on July 1 at 5.15pm, but there are some restrictions.

Speaking about the application process, CAO communications officer Eileen Keleghan commented: “Most applicants who have already applied to CAO will have opportunities to change their course choices in May or June for no extra charge. If an applicant has forgotten to apply for a restricted course, or if they are a mature applicant wishing to make changes to their courses, they should avail of our Change of Course Choices facility which opens on February 5 and is available until 5.15pm on March 1 for a fee of €10.

“The Late Application facility can be used by most applicants, however restrictions apply," she added. "This facility becomes available on March 5 and closes on May 1 at 5.15pm. The Late Application fee is €60 for online applicants and €90 for paper applicants.

“Students with concerns about their options or their application should consult their guidance counsellor, the admissions officers in the individual institutions, and read the CAO Handbook. If they cannot find the answer to their application query they can email CAO using the ‘Contact’ page on the website."

The CAO website contains a number of resources for CAO applicants including CAO video guides, a copy of the CAO Handbook, and resources for parents and guardians. Visit for more information.


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