A mountain is sometimes used as a metaphor for life. On the climb of life, we encounter many stages and challenges along the way.
Our lives are a series of transitions. A transition is psychological process that a person goes through in order to come to terms with a new situation. They can be difficult, and can cause fear and anxiety. However if it weren't for transitions we would never change or reach our potential. A transition can make you reflect on your life and where it is going.
Therapy can help you discover how best to manage these stages in life. It is only through self-awareness, self-understanding, and compassion that we can work towards becoming best versions of ourselves.
Mary Lynn offers therapy specialising in early adulthood, anxiety and stress, relationship issues, circumstantial issues (parenting, separation, loss, and grief ), identity issues, middle years (the sandwich years ), female midlife (menopause, loss of a sense of self ), and later years (retirement, existential issues ).
"The circumstance of everybody's life is different as everyone is unique," Mary Lynn said. "I work with my client where they are at in their life journey, and help them discover who they are and to find meaning and purpose in life.
"So for anyone who feels that they are at a crossroads in life, feels stuck, feels they have lost a sense of themselves, or feels they have lost their way, we can work together to help you connect to who you really are and become the narrator of your own story. As Oscar Wilde said, 'Be yourself, everyone else is already taken'."
Mary Lynn can provide guidance, understanding, and a safe non-judgmental space to explore and discover who you are and how to move forward. Remember life is a journey, not a destination.
For more information contact Mary Lynn, holistic counsellor and psychotherapy, BS (hons ) counseling and psychotherapy Dip psychology of counseling, phone 087 635 2636W, email info@marylynn.ie , or see www.marylynn.ie