Nolan proposes new code of conduct needed to tame councillors

An official code of conduct for city councillors, the breaching of which would leave them open to a new public complaints procedure, is needed if there is to be openness and accountability in City Hall.

This is the view of Labour’s Galway City East candidate Derek Nolan, who said such a code is needed for members of the public who feel wronged by a councillor, who need to be able to complain, and who want to have that complaint heard fairly.

Mr Nolan is proposing that such a code would cover unlawfully discriminating against someone; failing to treat people with respect; bullying any person; doing something to prevent the city council from being unbiased; revealing information given in confidence, or stopping someone getting information they are entitled to; damaging the reputation of the Council; failing to reveal a personal interest at a meeting.

Mr Nolan is further proposing a complaints hearing body that would investigate cases, with power to suspend a councillor for up to six months. The body would consist of nominated councillors, officials, and community representatives.

“The idea is not to make the council the happy hunting ground of the busybody and the crank,” said Mr Nolan, “but rather to put in place an effective system to investigate breach of a code of conduct.”


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