Out with the old, in with the new

Now that 2020 is well under way, and your new year’s resolutions are slowly being forgotten, it is time to start thinking about what’s really important — your interior. Some of 2019’s biggest interior trends included velvet, geometric patterns, minimalism, and pastel colour blocks. But you know what they say, out with the old, in with the new! Here are EZ Living Furniture’s 2020 interior trend predictions — you could say they have 2020 vision!

Mixed metals

By the end of 2019 brass and copper became very popular. People started introducing subtle metallic features in the form of taps, shelf mirrors, and table legs. But now that it is 2020, the metal trend has really started to take off. Silver, gold, tin, and copper are all expected to add flavour to your interior this year.

More is more

Although 2019 was all about minimalism, 2020 has already proven to want more. Maximalism is already taking off in January with people investing in bold, bright colours, and abstract prints. Less might have been more in 2019, but 2020 is already proving to march to the beat of its own drum and embracing a more chaotic look.

Black is back

Whites and woods may have been the focus for 2019, but in 2020 black is back and it is not going anywhere any time soon. We are expecting black everything this year, from countertops to cabinets, to wardrobes, and even baths. Matte blacks will give a chic and sophisticated look to your interior this year.

Flower power

Block wallpaper was trending in 2019, but in 2020 it’s all about floral wallpaper adding a bit of punch. Shades of green, botanical designs, and even geometric patterns are all in. A key to this trend is where wallpaper is used, with wallpaper added to the bathroom, and the ceiling, becoming more popular than ever before.

Fifty shades of pink

Last year featured lots of greys, blues, and yellows, but from what we can see already this year, pink is giving us a wink. Subtle pink shades such a pastel pink, blush pink, and baby pink are sure to create calming moods in your homes this year.

Here’s to a new decade of interior design. What are you predicting?

For more information on the latest interior trends, visit www.ezlivingfurniture.ie


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