Vote No 1 - Cllr. MIKE CUBBARD

Election Advertorial from Mike Cubbard

Who am I?

Originally from Camillaun Park, my wife, Karen, and I have three young boys aged 9, 5 and 4 who attend Claddagh National School. I have always been passionate about helping people where possible, which prompted my entry into politics. I was first elected as an Independent Councillor in 2014 and subsequently re-elected in 2019. In June 2019 I had the great honour of being elected Mayor of Galway City and continue to serve in this role currently.

Why am I contesting this election?

With nearly six years of experience in Local Government, I believe I am now ready to represent Galway at national level, providing a strong, progressive voice to the constituency. In my view, people are disillusioned with glossy manifestos, empty promises and false dawns, therefore my message is simple - I am seeking your support to allow me work for you on pertinent community and constituency-related issues.

A role for an Independent?

I don’t operate under a whip system; I answer to the public. I firmly believe that Independent politicians play a vital role, especially in recent years with the uncovering of major failures within state bodies. Likewise, I am an extremely positive and solutions-driven individual who, since 2014, has proactively and constructively collaborated with all elected members to deliver for the people of Galway.

Will I be heard?

I have always been an honest and straight talker, a crucial role as an elected Councillor, particularly when various departments and state bodies have failed people, and as Mayor of Galway, I was openly critical of our Government’s recent agenda to commemorate the RIC which shows I am courageous when required to take a stand on an issue, rather than see what way the wind will blow before deciding. As one of very few candidates in Ireland not using single use plastic election posters, I am again showing leadership where required, rather than just offer this issue lip service. I always strive for political transparency and accountability, therefore, if elected I will continue to engage with the public as I have done throughout my time in politics.


My Priorities

Mental Health

Mental Health remains a crisis in Irish society. We must do more locally and nationally to ensure awareness and supports are in place. I have always been an advocate for creating an environment where positive mental health is at the forefront of all decisions we take. Education is crucial therefore I believe positive well being should become part of our school curriculum. I will also advocate for adequate community supports to be put in place and available 24/7. Current waiting times are not acceptable.


All aspects of housing are failing. Waiting lists are growing, social housing is too slow being delivered, rents are spiralling out of control and previously promised affordable housing schemes are not available. Improvements in these areas need to be a priority for all elected members of the next Dáil.


Our A&E is unfit for purpose. I will demand this be addressed once and for all. How many more false dawns do we need to have in terms of a better health service in Galway? We have children waiting months and in some cases years for procedures to alleviate pain which is shameful in the year 2020. The system is broken and needs to be overhauled.


I have advocated for sustainable solutions to the gridlock we face daily, yet solutions are slow in forthcoming. I believe park & ride should be a year-round service for east and west of Galway. I believe free school transport must become priority. I believe our bus network requires immediate improvement to service all communities.


As a young parent I know first-hand the challenges faced by parents in terms of childcare and the huge costs faced. I will work to bring about financial supports for parents in this regard.


In my time as a local representative I have led many campaigns to save green space, enhance public areas and promote good practices in terms of environmental protection and climate change adaptions. In 2019 I contested the Local Election without the use of election posters and have committed to doing so again. Many will talk about this as an issue, I am talking action and showing leadership by not using election posters for this campaign.


Those with a disability have been failed in terms of effective representation and adequate action. Having engaged with a variety of representative groups in my time as a Councillor in am committed to being a strong voice for those with a disability who need somebody to represent them in the battle for better services.

Defence Forces

Our defence force members are treated poorly. Pay & conditions have been on the agenda for years, yet action is slow in coming. I want to stand up and offer a voice to our serving members who deserve to be treated fairly.


I am passionate about representing those who need a voice and believe in my time as a Councillor and Mayor of the Galway City I have done this to the best of my ability. I am seeking your support to allow me bring my work-rate and ability to the next level. I am not bound by a whip system therefore I am answerable to you, the voters. I would be honoured to be your voice in Dáil Éireann following the election on February 8th.

Cllr Mike Cubbard - 087 4155391 

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