Galway Film Fleadh seeks feature films

Early bird deadline for submissions is January 31, after which deadline is March 27

FEATURE FILM submissions are now open for the 32nd Galway Film Fleadh. Previous films which have been entered in this category included The Young Offenders, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and Song Of The Sea.

The fleadh, which runs from July 7 to 12, is encouraging filmmakers with works-in-progress, or completed works ready to debut, to begin the submission process early.

The fleadh awards feature films selected for competition in the following categories: Irish First Feature, International First Feature, Irish Film, International Film, Irish Documentary, International Documentary, and Cinematography in an Irish Film.

The early bird deadline for submissions is Friday January 31 at 5pm. Early bird entry fees are €30. After that the deadline is Friday March 27 at 5pm with a fee of €40. There will be a late deadline of Friday April 10 with a fee of €50. For more information see


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